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Whether you're an individual looking to advance your career in tech, an initiative working on DEI in tech, a company seeking to support gender equality, or a government body aiming to make impactful policy changes, there are numerous ways to get involved with European Women in Tech. Together, we can build a sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all.

This is a picture of a woman looking to the right, standing in front of stacked blocks that represent the SDG's.

Sign our Manifesto

Are you a local women in tech initiative, a governmental body, a company, a philanthropist or institution? Sign our manifesto to become a partner!

The images showes 3 girls looking at a brochure. The girl on the right is holding the paper and explaining something.

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The image shows a row of women standing closest to the camera on the left side. They are wearing colourful professional clothing an smiling.

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Have questions or want to learn more about European Women in Tech? Get in touch with us today.

Shaping the future by improving our tech.